Our Blog

Unlocking Dallas’s Potential: Navigating the Future of Commercial Real Estate
Delve into the heart of Dallas's commercial real estate scene with our latest presentation featuring insights from Dallas Cothrum, President of Masterplan, A Milrose Company. With over two decades of experience and an intimate knowledge of the dynamic Dallas market,...
Unlocking Dallas’s Potential: Navigating the Future of Commercial Real Estate
Delve into the heart of Dallas's commercial real estate scene with our latest presentation...
Empowering Real Estate Developers: Exploring C-PACE Financing for Adaptive Reuse Projects
Embark on a journey into the world of innovative financing solutions for large-scale adaptive...
Unlocking the Future: Exploring Trends in the Multi-Family Rental Market
Unlock the keys to the evolving landscape of the multi-family rental market with our recent...
Suburban Infill Solutions for Commercial Office Buildings
The mass adoption of remote and hybrid work since 2020 has led to weak demand for commercial...
Planning Better Suburban Cities Requires Zoning Changes for Office Conversions
The death of the office may be a win for sweatpants, but the state of office buildings as a real...
Evaluating a Property for Suburban Infill Solutions
As of Fall 2023, this is where we are in the market: 53 million square-feet of vacant office space...